Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Chinese Communists' Primary Concern

People’s Daily, an official government newspaper in mainland China, said in a commentary: “Only by supporting the police force to decisively put down the riots can a peaceful environment be restored and fair elections be held, and help Hong Kong start again.”
That's right, Chairman Xi and his government are so, so concerned about fair elections.

Right. Xi cares for fair elections about as much as does Putin or Erdogan.


  1. Forgetting someone? Or a political party? Is this just an oversight? Inquiring minds would like to know?


  2. https://youtu.be/e7E9SS-X4YY

  3. Looks like the MLB made a wise decision to promote baseball overseas in Japan instead of potentially more lucrative communist China.
    Likewise the NFL playing in the UK and Mexico looks smart, they are both more or less democracies without China's ongoing oppression of non-Han Chinese and imperial expansion.
    Looks to me like the NBA will come reeling back out of the Chinese market when China suppresses any discussion of its politics of communist party suppression of democratic thought-see Hong Kong.
    Or else the millionaire owners and players will submit to gag rule on all Chinese comment, something about impossible to enforce-see Rockets owner's comment.
    It only takes one public comment for the communistic party to kill ball games. And Americans generally are used to voicing their opinions-your right to bitch. This will not turn out well.

  4. Fair is, in all fairness, a relative term. In Chinese terms, fair is “we get what we want”.

  5. CP88, in that, Xi and Trump have the same definition of fairness.

  6. Comrade, close, but Xi genuinely means “China” when he says “we”...


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