Monday, November 11, 2019

It Is to Laugh; Lindsey Graham Ed.

A key ally of President Donald Trump is dismissing the latest developments in the impeachment investigation, calling it a “bunch of B.S.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters Tuesday he doesn’t plan to read the transcripts Democrats are releasing from the impeachment investigation, despite demanding that they be made public. He says he’s “written the whole process off.”
One has to have mush for brains to believe that Lindsey Graham is going to pay any attention to the evidence against Trump. Graham is a Trump sock-puppet. Graham is so far up Trump's ass that he gets to taste Trump's hamberders virtually undigested.

Graham was hot to impeach Bill Clinton for lying under oath about a blow job. But when it comes to Trump's pressure campaign to get the Ukrainian government to investigate Trump's political rival (which is a crime), Graham is dismissive.

Twenty years ago, Graham was really big about preserving the integrity and the dignity of the presidency. Now, having sold his miserable soul to Trump for a pittance, he couldn't care less about such things.

If you want to know what is truly wrong in Washington, you need look no further than the vapid political whore which Lindsey Graham has become.

Also, this, because I don't feel like starting another post:

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