Friday, November 8, 2019

Only in TrumpWorld, is a $2 Million Fine Called a "Donation"

A New York judge has ruled that President Trump must pay $2 million in damages to settle claims that the Trump Foundation misused funds. ... A statement from the Trump Foundation said it was "pleased to donate" the $2 million to the charitable organizations. It praised the judge for not imposing a penalty beyond the $2 million in damages.
So remember, boys and girls, if you get pulled over for a traffic violation and you have to pay cash money, that's not a "fine", no, you're "donating" to the court system.

The point that'll probably be overlooked was that, as part of the settlement of the case, Trump had to personally admit to wrongdoing.
Trump acknowledged in a legal filing that he allowed his presidential campaign staff to coordinate with the Trump Foundation in holding a fundraiser for veterans during the run-up to the 2016 Iowa caucuses.
One thing that is clear from Trump's practices is that he doesn't "allow" anything. That would be akin to saying that he has "allowed" his hands to grope women.

The Trump Foundation was a scam. And now it's being consigned to the shitpile.

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