Sunday, October 13, 2019

Your Sunday Morning Rotor Noise

Hueys (Bell JetRangers) Down Under:


  1. They are missing the true whop-whop sound we associate with the Huey because they don’t have the tree cutter tip caps, but they are still a workhorse.

  2. NFO, can you point me to some info on those tip caps?

  3. NFO, I had no idea that there were tree-cutting caps on UH-1s, nor that those things were responsible for the distinctive sound.

  4. Heh, and for fifty years I've been thinking it's the thirteen inch rotors.

    You knew you'd get my attention;) No quibbles, but for historical accuracy - the Hueys, UH1s, were Bell models 204 and 205, neither were Rangers: Utility Helicopters. The iconic movie news/police/medivac helos, the Jet and Long Rangers were Bell model 206, which morphed into the Bell 222, at one time the fastest helo in the air. Later iterations of the utility helicopter were the model 212, a twin engine, and the 214 - think of it as a three quarter or one ton v a half-ton pickup. I have of late heard there has been some morphing of the 212s and 214s, making a "one-ton" twin. Don't know for sure, other than pictures and videos (on zuckerbergs famous pig, sigh) I haven't been around any since my fire-fighting days. Been thirty years since I hooked one.

    Again, no quibbles, I really appreciate the video - the pink crakcs me up. Aussies.


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