Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nobody Wants Your Fucking Help, Jim

Headline to a NYT story:
James Comey Would Like to Help

The former F.B.I. director wants an end to the Trump presidency. And yes, he knows you might think he caused it.
Fucking A right he did. The polling at the time was clear as glass: Clinton held a solid lead until Comey opened his fucking yap.

He thinks history will judge him kindly. But who the hell else likes him? Democrats despise him for putting a thumb on the scales of the election. The Trumpist Republicans dislike him for backstabbing his boss. Comey is a hero in his own mind.

Most everyone would be happy if Comey shut the fuck up and went fishing for the rest of his life. But he seems to have a need to find people to tell him "Good boy, Jim, you did the right thing."

He interfered in the 2016 election as though he was a Russian operative. Fuck him.

1 comment:

  1. 10-4, in Comey's arrogance he assumed Clinton would win and he put his thumb on the scales so he would appear 'balanced' in the history books. What a fool.
    I'm an ex-democratic party member who still votes that way. I left the party after president Obama failed to close Gitmo and droned and bombed more that Bush did.
    I want Comey, Clinton, Obama, Donna Brazile and Eric (Place) Holder to STFU after their national security failures leading up to the stolen election. They failed. Go away and don't come back. Take Biden with you.


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