Friday, March 22, 2019

Next, He'll Take His Kids to a "Polio Party"

In a move experts say is medically unsound — and can be dangerous — Gov. Matt Bevin said in a radio interview Tuesday that he deliberately exposed all nine of his children to chickenpox so they would catch the disease and become immune.
Is Bevin going to expose his kids to measles, mumps, diphtheria, tetanus or rabis?

Anti-vaxxers are fucking insane.


  1. Yep good guy, statistically 3 of them will get shingles when they are around 55-70 years old.. Seems the Chicken pox virus hangs around for a while.

    The name for them is free riders, they get heard protection for free
    and as more of them opt out the heard weakens. Then we or rather
    they get Measles and polio.

    Stupid beyond educable.


  2. If only this kind of stupidity only killed the stupid. (And quickly. Quickly, please.)

  3. Nangleator is onto something: we need a vaccination against stupid, a Darwin shot! Catch them early. And another against moral incomprehension and amorality. Humanity's problems solved


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