Friday, March 22, 2019

Anchor Babies!

Every year, hundreds of pregnant Russian women travel to the United States to give birth so that their child can acquire all the privileges of American citizenship.
Expect Trump or his white nationalist cronies to not give a shit about Russian anchor babies. Because reasons.


  1. They consider Russians to be white, for one.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. And back when the Drumpf's dodged the German draft and jumped the US border, the Russians were not considered white, except for the royal family which was half German.

  3. I'd guess that these now "American" children will get the best education and the most thorough indoctrination that the GRU can provide, before they come back here.

  4. At least they don't then immediately clamor for all the Socialist Free shit.

    Funny, Trump has said he wants to end Birthright Citizenship for all.

    Funny how the only mention of race is here, not by Trump. Odd, that.
    What reasons?

  5. B, we could go with citizenship based on all 4 grandparents being born citizens, as Ann Coulter suggested. That would disqualify Cheetolini for the Presidency........

  6. No, they're natural born, but although the USA generally doesn't make a point of it, dual citizenship is not recognized here.
    I am sure that, if someone with Russian parents who has mostly lived in Russia were to try joining the US military or a government agency would get bounced. I hope. Maybe.

  7. Gee, what could be up with the glorious motherland that they would want this?


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