Sunday, March 31, 2019

News for Morons

No shocker that "Fox and Friends" is Cheetolini's favorite news show.


  1. Jesus, is that real? What a bunch of fucking morons.

  2. Mexico has its own countries? Maybe they could sell one and pay for the wall with the money? Except who would buy it? China? Saudi Arabia? Do we really want them owning a country within walking distance from Texas?
    So many questions...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Texas was a Mexican country (okay, territory) before it got taken by America. Ditto, New Mexico. Ditto Arizona. Ditto California.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  4. Still not sick of winning! The whining is music to my ears.

  5. GF, you have a very odd idea about what constitutes "winning".

  6. Will this affect the beachside resorts in sunny Zapatastan ??

  7. Some of his followers probably think Charles Manson is winning.


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