Sunday, January 13, 2019

Your Sunday Morning Rotor Noise

Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane water bombers:


  1. Having worked in the Humboldt Redwoods for many years, I have seen every imaginable way to get trees out of the hills.
    Always had a big Wow tho when those "Skycranes" would hitch up and pull out huge trees.

  2. I have hooked logs to that skycrane. Power-poles, chair-lifts, air conditioners.

    There is nothing: not sex, not cocaine, LSD or sex cocaine and LSD that compares.

  3. Erickson was taken over by a private equity firm and driven into bankruptcy. The magic of the market!

  4. I was in the stands at Reno once when a Skycrane did a water-dump demo down the runway in front of us. It's about 1000 feet from the stands, the wind was in our faces, and we had a hard rain.

  5. I watched them pull an unstable tree off of a cliff above a road above the Klamath river once, but I think the helicopter was slightly smaller than a sky crane.
    I sort of couldn't believe it would hold it up, but it did.

    -Doug in Oakland


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