Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trump News

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley abruptly announced Tuesday she is resigning at the end of the year, raising fresh questions about the Trump team and about the outspoken diplomat’s own political ambitions.
Trump wants to nominate Ivanka, but he won't because of nepotism issues. My recollection is that presidents appointing close family members was made illegal after JFK appointed RFK as his AG.

Trump also said he was concerned about the Saudis apparently whacking a WaPo correspondent. But he doesn't seem to care very much. I'll wager that in his eart of heats, he's tickled pink at the idea of a government killing a pesky reporter.


  1. Actually, Donnie has a ruling that the 1978 law allowing the President to make White House appointments, "without regard to any other provision of law", overrides the 1967 nepotism provisions. Jared and Ivanka's roles were allowed by this ruling, and it would also allow her installation at the U.N.

  2. I don't believe that the law applies to non-West/East Wing staff. But what the fuck do I know.

  3. A lot fucking more than me, Comrade, but what the fuck do I know either...

    If there's one ruling out there like that, what else is in the weeds?


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