Saturday, October 13, 2018


Chip replenishes his solar cells.


  1. I have 5 cats. I have come, after years of observation, to believe that they are really solar powered.

  2. We had a fire in the woodstove the other night, first of the season. It was a "Lions laid down with the lambs" moment. 2 dogs and 8 cats all spread out and at peace. Even one of the grumpier outside cats came in for the fire.
    Nothing says Peace like a burning wood stove on a cold night.

  3. Five cats? Eight cats? You guys are heros.

  4. As I've mentioned I "live rurally". As in "end of a dead end road" rurally. When a new meowser shows up at our door, if we don't feed it, it has nothing at all! I will kill a mean animal without qualms but the cats are my friends. We still have one cat that won't come in but shows up for food. I got a nose bop the other day, so I know we are wearing on its defenses.
    Down to 8 now. A once feral that gave us indoor kittens and a lifetime of purrs but never a moment of 'lap time', recently passed here.
    We are a cats home of last resort.

  5. Google “cats are solar powered” when you have some time to waste.

  6. Blogger B said...
    Yeah, mine are all strays or rescues.

    My vet care and food bills have paid for several expansions of the vets office over the last 25 years.


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