Friday, August 10, 2018

Because It's Friday

The Texas State RR


  1. So I’m sitting at a car dealer, waiting on service and they have computers available. So I grab one and check out EBM, and start watching this video...and find myself outraged at the black smoke pouring from the smokestack, rather than the nice light grey that the Comrade’s videos have shown us is indicative of a well tended firebox. So then we get to the section where they show the cab and note the engine is oil-fired...and now I have to wait for the Comrade to find some video on the the correct running of an oil-fired locomotive...or pop down another internet rabbit hole myself.

  2. Black smoke on an oil-burner is a sign of an over-rich fuel-air mix. They do that because that's what people want to see when taking pictures/movies.

    In the old days, somebody'd probably get written up for that.

  3. Thanks, Comrade! Thanks also for a reminder I need to pop down to Rusk for a ride.

  4. There's a proposal to switch the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge to diesel power, because embers are starting forest fires.

  5. They could do as the UP and Grand Canyon did and convert to oil-firing.


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