Thursday, February 1, 2018

Those Whacky Republicans

During a speech to pastors in Kansas City in December, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley linked the problem of sex trafficking to the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Let's test that, shall we?

The White-Slave Traffic Act, more commonly known as the Mann Act, was enacted into law in 1910. It made it a Federal crime to bring women across state lines for prostitution or other immoral acts. That was back in the day when ice-cream parlors were regarded as the gateway to a life of iniquity.

Hawley is a fucking moron and when it comes to politics, he's about as big a whore as they come. He has zero interest in being the AG of Missouri. All he wants to do is leverage that as soon as possible into a better job. His main goal as AG is to get his name in the papers as often as he can.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, folks from Missouri were comparing him to Todd Akin on Twitter, and then there was Claire McCaskill:

    "Claire McCaskill‏ @clairecmc
    I didn’t go to one of those fancy private schools, but the history I learned in public schools & Mizzou taught me that the evidence of trafficking of women for sex goes back to before 2000 BC. It didn’t begin with women’s rights and the birth control pill. @HawleyMo
    5:53 PM – 31 Jan 2018"

    -Doug in Oakland


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