Tuesday, February 20, 2018

This, Kids, is Why You Should Never Talk to a Federal Agent Without Your Lawyer Present

The special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election has charged an attorney with lying to federal investigators about his interactions with a former Trump campaign official, according to court papers made public Tuesday.

Alex van der Zwaan, who worked at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom until he was fired last year, was to appear in court later Tuesday at a plea hearing.
Lying to a Fart, Barf and Itch agent is a felony. Unless you're a gangbanger, a felony conviction will fuck up your life.


  1. "I don't recall"

    "Fifth amendment"


    Best three words whenever any law enforcement asks you a question (other than name, address and DOB).
    Especially a Fed.

  2. And believe me, even an attorney needs an attorney. I'm an attorney who has hired two others. Just pay them.

  3. Ole' Mueller is all over this collusion problem isn't he! He is cleaning house at Trump's place. Oh, wait. Not!

    This is all showing itself to be the bullshit that it is.

    Only collusion he can find is between the left and Russian trolls.

  4. Why don't you wait until the investigation is over before clsiming victory for Trump?

  5. I know a blogger who used to be married to the head of the ACLU in a southern state, and she says that nobody in the ACLU, or anyone else they knew of with two working neurons to rub together, ever willingly talked to the FBI, and if they had to, in was all arranged by their attorneys, and often took place without any face-to-face meeting at all.
    Lying to the FBI is a felony, and any competent FBI agent can catch you in a lie in an interview about anything.

    -Doug in Oakland


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