Monday, February 19, 2018

Hey, Kid! Didn't Your Momma Tell You to Never Take Candy From a Stranger?

St. Louis Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards is hoping to sweeten relationships between police officers and the residents they serve by having cops hand out candy to kids while on duty.
Right, that'll help counteract the stories from their fathers, uncles, cousins and older brothers about their interactions with the cops while WWB and DWB.

"Snitcher-Pops", anyone?


  1. Candy's pretty cheap. No murdering citizens would actually save money, but some habits are hard to break. Whatever.

  2. Maybe kickbacks from the dentists in the area?

  3. Maybe the police will hand out fentanyl lollipops.

  4. Licorice billy clubs? Wax hand cuffs?
    Pez dispensers shaped like Glocks?

    Quote for yesterday, or maybe next week, I don't care, I'm retired...

    "Don't eat with your hands, boy, use your entrenching tool!"

    Firesign Theater, 'I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus'


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