Friday, January 19, 2018

Tide Pod Challenge

There is a satirical piece up on the Duffel Blog about Marines eating Tide pods.

Here is why I may be an incurable optimist about humanity: I thought "No way, that can't be a thing."

It is. Even though:
Tide Pods contain chemicals that according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry can cause esophagus damage, burns, blood pressure changes, gastrointestinal and neurological and endocrine problems among other things. The presence of the chemical 1,4 dioxane is especially dangerous.
If you are contemplating biting into a Tide pod, then you are a fucking idiot as well as a future competitior for a Darwin Award.


  1. You will never go broke underestimating the sheer bestial stupidity & willful ignorance of the greater mass of the humanoid species. Let alone Marines.

  2. Do you understand "Satirical", Bouffant?

  3. I missed the Duffel Blog comments from offended warrant officers and incredulous taxpayers.

  4. I saw a link from Snopes in my Google news feed this morning saying that Duffel Blog post wasn't true, and I said to myself, is this what we've come to?

    -Doug in Oakland


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