Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Poor Little Jeffrey's Memory

Lord only knows how Jeff Sessions remembers how to feed himself, given that his memory is so awful.


  1. Link appears to be bad?

  2. I'll fix it when I can get to a real computer.

  3. Kinda reminiscent of Alberto Gonzalez who had trouble recalling all of that stuff back in the day.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. I'm telling ya... this administration's officials need to have mounted cameras/mics like we make police wear. Malfunctions mean jail time.

    We can't run a country with a bunch of short-term-memory victims. We all NEED this.

  5. Which DNC candidate repeatedly said "I cannot recall"? HMMM

  6. So, you're going with the "But Billy did it, toooo! Noooo faaaaiiirrrr!!" defense?


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