Monday, October 9, 2017

In This Case, the "mr" in "Mr. President" Doesn't Stand for "Mister".

Donald Trump has a grandiose view of himself and his centrality to, well, everything.

He is the first mover. He comes up with things. Like the idea of putting the words "fake" and "news" together.

"The media is really, the word, one of the greatest of all terms I've come up with, is 'fake,'" Trump told Mike Huckabee in an interview for the two-time Republican presidential candidate's new show on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. "I guess other people have used it perhaps over the years but I've never noticed it. And it's a shame. And they really hurt the country. Because they take away the spirit of the country."
The word "fake has been around for centuries and the term "fake news" is at least a century old.

Next up, Trump will claim to have invented the telegraph, the steam engine and the cure for polio.

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