Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Meanwhile, in Texas


  1. I hope they shoot every lotter they can find, just so long as they leave us looters alone.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. I only hope that they shoot better than they spell.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. I knew there was a faction of Texans who opposed the regressive nature of the Lottery system. I just don't want them shooting lotters because those are innocent hard-working people addicted to the dream of instant wealth at the expense of... oh, those guys are idiots who can't spell? Sigh. Nevermind.

  4. The "Master Race", Texas Chapter

  5. Lotters wife looked back and turned to stone.

  6. Proud graduates of the Texas public school system, the one that denies actual science. Nothin bu reedin, rightin, and rithmatic!



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