Saturday, July 29, 2017

I Can't Even....

The actual headline:
State Police arrest one-armed ‘creepy clown’ with machete


  1. This is the line that makes the whole story worthwhile: "troopers say Berry used duct tape to secure the machete to his amputated arm"

    Didn't I read something like that in a Carl Hiaasen novel?

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. I'm having the most fun contemplating just how you duct tape a machete to your amputated arm with only one hand, while drunk.

  3. NYC, I think that was a weed-whacker.

  4. In Maine. Not in Florida.

    That's what makes the whole story. You expect such shenanigans of Florida Man, the world's most inept supervillain (google "Florida man" in quotes, I'll wait ;) ). Hell, Carl Hiaasen writes documentaries, not fiction (that's what a friend of mine in Florida says anyhow!). But Maine? Not so much!

    Though granted, the only thing I know about Maine is what I read in Stephen King novels, since he sets his novels in his home state so often....


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