Monday, May 29, 2017

This Isn't Memorial Day

A continuing objection. I've been on this since the first Memorial Day after I began blogging.

We honor all veterans on what was originally Armistice Day, November 11th and, if that day falls in the middle of the week, so it goes. It bugs me that we cannot accord the same degree of respect to our dead, but no, it's now just another excuse for a three-day weekend and for greedy-as-fuck retailers to lure the dweebs into their stores.

So, to all of those congressmen and senators who voted for the Uniform Monday Holiday Act in 1968, and to LBJ, who signed the bill into law, damn you all. And to those retailers running "Memorial Day Sales", go fuck yourselves and your horses.

(By the way, there is no such federal holiday as "President's Day". It is still, officially, Washington's Birthday. Look it up.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree. Moveable holidays water down the reason for the day.

    May 30 should be the day, whenever in the week it falls.

  3. I want to switch Veterans day and Memorial day. November 11 should be Memorial day, like it is Remembrance day in Canada,the UK, France and Belgium.

  4. Yeah, happy barbecues for amnesiacs day. None for me, thank you.

    The Rude Pundit has a poem up for it though:

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Lincoln lost his day? Good for George, but still.

    SF does not list Columbus Day as a holiday. It has been replaced (renamed)- it is now Indigenous People's Day. I'm sure other paces have also.


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