Monday, February 27, 2017

Our Imbecile-in-Chief

President Trump said Monday that "nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated," as Republicans have been slow to unite around a replacement plan for ObamaCare.

"I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," Trump said after a meeting with conservative governors at the White House.
Clueless or drain-bamaged, take your pick.

The complexity of the ACA has been a GOP talking point for the last seven years, give or take. The Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (the two acts that make up Obamacare) are together over 2,000 pages long.

To say that nobody knew it was so complex constitutes extreme dereliction of duty. Did he really think that the bill text fit on an index card?


  1. And msnbc is reporting one of the points in the Republican's plan is to exclude pre-existing conditions. In other words, you're sick, we're not gonna cover you, hurry up and die. To quote our president, "So sad."


  2. Health Care on a 3x5 card:

    1. Don't get sick.

    2. If you do, die quickly.

  3. He was surprised it can't be done in 140 characters or less.
    How frustrating it must be to be so ignorant in our modern world. I could almost feel sorry for him if his ignorance wasn't entirely his own fault.


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