Monday, February 27, 2017

Is All of This Crap Maskirova or Just Rank Incompetence?

Last week, after Spicer [the Liar] became aware that information had leaked out of a planning meeting with about a dozen of his communications staffers, he reconvened the group in his office to express his frustration over the number of private conversations and meetings that were showing up in unflattering news stories, according to sources in the room. ... Spicer also warned the group of more problems if news of the phone checks and the meeting about leaks was leaked to the media.
Spicer has changed his tune pretty quickly. Two months ago, he said that banning media outlets based on what they reported was something that happens in dictatorships, not democracies. I submit that anyone who doesn't believe that Spicer wouldn't wipe his ass without an order from Caudillo Trump is deluding themselves.

So here is the question: Is all of this just utter incompetence or a planned distraction, cover for something that is truly evil and is swimming around under the surface?

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