Tuesday, January 3, 2017

So Much for Ethics in Congress

The very first thing that the House Republicans are doing in the 115th Congress is to gut the ethics watchdogs.

Which is sort of like the criminals gaining control of the city council and then voting to disband the police department.

It's probably a good indication that the 115th Congress will embark on winking at bribery, payoffs, improper use of campaign funds, and all manner of fuckery. Since the Republicans will now control the Department of Justice, pretty much the sky's the limit.

As long as a congressman isn't discovered standing over the body of a dead intern whilst holding s smoking pistol. And maybe not even then.

It's going to be an interesting few years (and high cotton for the muckrakers).

UPDATE: "To the rear, March!"


  1. And they've backed down...so far. I'd expect most of the reforms to be slid thru slyly, but this is he first notice to Congress that the press hasn't given up completely.

  2. The Republican crooks forget that history rides a pendulum. When Democrats eventually regain some power, a Democratic U.S. Attorney General will be able to come after them and drain them out of the swamp.

    So the Republicans had better pray that the pendulum will move more slowly than the statue of limitations.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  3. Well, the D's controlled 1955-1993, so on that scale, we'd expect the D's to take back control sometime in the 2050's?


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