Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Laws Apply to the Little People- Missouri Edition

In one of his first acts as Missouri’s new attorney general, Republican Josh Hawley decided he doesn’t have to live in the capital city.

That decision comes despite a law that says the state’s top legal officer “shall reside at the seat of government and keep his office in the Supreme Court building.” The state’s constitution designates Jefferson City as the seat of government.
The law is pretty fucking clear on where he's required to live. But he's not going to do that.

So, the "top law enforcement officer" for the state begins his tenure by declaring that he's not going to follow the law, at least when it applies to him.


Wonder if Hawley thinks that other laws don't apply to him. Or which ones might he consent to follow.

1 comment:

  1. From Show Me progress:
    The gyrations coming from Josh Hawley’s (r) spokesperson are amusing. All those people in the office with law degrees and that’s the best they could come up with? Maybe they should ask for their law school tuition money back.


    -Doug in Oakland


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