Friday, November 18, 2016

Because It's Friday

Proper firing of a steam locomotive.


  1. Wait a second, wait a second! That guy is running a coal-fired, black-smoke-and-soot-belchig locomotive wearing a suit? A suit!? And a necktie!

    A s-s-s-s-soooooT?? And a n-n-n-ecktie!

    No wonder the narrator has an English accent.

    Yours crankily
    The New York crank

  2. Interesting video... That is a LOT of shoveling!!!

  3. Quite enjoyable, I watched it completely. Very educational, and it showed me the fireman was so much more than a strong back.


  4. Apparently they drive all vehicles on the wrong side over there.

    Very interesting video. Answered some questions I've long had.

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  5. LRod - Canal and river traffic passes on the right side in the UK. I conned a narrowboat on the Thames above Oxford this summer and the rental folks took care to impress this on me.

  6. I gather that when the excursion trains did their run-pasts for the photographers, that the firemen would cut off the secondary air in order to make it smoke prettily.

    Also, just one English road used 5.5 million tons of coal a year. No wonder the mines began closing after dieselization.


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