Sunday, October 16, 2016

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

No introduction needed!


  1. Man, those J-79s were smoky. No point in stealth with those.

    Hmmm, I think I used that comment before...

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  2. A few decades ago, I.was almost finished with a road trip and stopped in Klamath Falls, Oregon, on a Fourth of July. My wife an I were enjoying the fireworks show at dusk over the lake, when I spotted two large plumes of smoke, low in the north. I nudged her and said, "Watch this." and pointed. A few seconds later, two F-4s passed low overhead. Just as they were over the middle of the crowd, they lit their afterburners. Boom!

    "How did you know?"

  3. Better as a bomb truck than a fighter, its only hope against a MiG-17 was to use power to go pure vertical to gain distance for a AIM-9 missile attack, especially the early crippled gun-less F-4s. Yea, no stealth with all that noise and smoke. A waste of camo paint. Thanks for the jet noise.


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