Sunday, October 16, 2016

It Just Figures that Pharma Bro is a Republican

Martin Shkreli, one of the most-despised and despicable sacks of sentient protoplasm on the planet, wanted to meet his fans after his last court date. So he tweeted out the name of a bar and announced that he'd pick up the tab. Only he didn't clear it with the bar, which said "nope." So this is what he then tweeted:
Any Republican-friendly bars in Brooklyn?
I guess explaining that he wanted a bar which was friendly to financial pirates accused of fraud and running a Ponzi scheme, but maybe that'd have taken up too many characters for Twitter.

If there is any justice in the world,Shkreli will soon become acquainted with bars, all right: Steel ones.

1 comment:

  1. He's pretty strange if he's a Republican considering it appears all his donations have been to Democrats, including $2,700 to Bernie Sanders:

    Open Secrets search

    This of course doesn't change his despicable nature, just that he knows whose palms to grease. (30k to the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee that seems to have been sent back after he got some heat for his price fixing. I wonder what that had bought him.


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