Thursday, September 22, 2016

Meanwhile, As the Cops Were Gunning Down More Black People, Pharma Sis was Grilled.

She was lambasted for her lavish compensation and for jacking up prices on the EpiPen. She thought the price was fair, probably because those executive bonuses don't fund themselves.

Then there is the corruption of Pharma Sis's mother using her position with the National Association of State Boards of Education to push her daughter's company's product.

And let's face it, taking a private jet to a hearing where one is being accused of profiteering was pretty fucking stupid.


  1. She's her daddy's girl. Daddy, of course, being WV's US Senator and former Governor, a man who got where he is today by repeatedly promising one thing and then doing another after the votes were cast.

  2. Everyone notice that in my last post about Manchin, I totally did not point out that he's a Democrat?

    See how good I'm getting at not being partisan?

  3. Familial corruption/nepotism's hardly a partisan affair.

    Chelsea Clinton didn't get that gig at NBC on her merits. Nobody would have ever heard of George W. Bush if it wasn't for his family. Same for his dad and his brother. Patrick Kennedy didn't get elected to Congress because of his political platform.

    Just the way it is. All we can do is what we do: Shine bright lights on it.


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