Monday, September 26, 2016

A Puzzling Shooting by Another Asswipe

A troubled lawyer opened fire on morning commuters in Houston on Monday, injuring at least nine people before being fatally shot by police, authorities said. ... Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, in Cuba on a trip to develop trade relations, told reporters, "The motivation appears to be a lawyer whose relationship with his law firm went bad."
Really? Asswipe had problems with his former partner and/or where he had worked, so he loaded a bunch of guns into his Porsche, went out and just shot at random people?

They much be growing some real cowards in Texas.

Oh, and look, you idiots: If people are slinging lead about, don't stick your head up and take video! Who do you think you are, Robert Fucking Capra? (He got killed, by the way. So did Dickie Chapelle.)

And if you are going to be dumb enough to take video with your cell phone, can you at least take the video in landscape mode, ie, turn the phone sideways? Have a little bit of pride in what you're doing, will you?

Meanwhile, don't jump the line in a D.C. pizzeria.


  1. I told them last week not to get video but to amscray. Did they listen? No...

    Like I'm talking to the wall.

  2. Too many action movies with too many people assuming that shooters are all Imperial stormtroopers shooting at Luke (or equivalent).


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