Friday, August 19, 2016

When Evil is Done in Your Name.

What do you do when you are confronted with proof that your country engaged in unspeakable war crimes and atrocities as it tried to hold on to a crumbling colonial empire?

I'm guessing that denial and blaming those who uncovered the crimes will be the order of the day. Just like it is here. and elsewhere. The Turks deny the Armenian genocide. Have the Belgiums ever confronted that King Leopold II was "the butcher of Africa" for killing a tenth of the population of the entire continent?

Just close your eyes and whistle a jaunty tune as you walk past those piles of moldering corpses. It's what humans are good at.


  1. An excellent read, glad you brought it to a wider audience. Consider the files that are surely somewhere around the State Department too, dealing with U.S. Interventions in Central and South America...will they be destroyed now, or have people forgotten about them? Or better, imagine tRump's files...

  2. one responds by writing to congresspersons.
    minions of congresspersons reply thanking one for one's interest.
    one is essentially ignored, although nowadays one reckons that one is on an nsa list somewhere.
    did not know about king leopold. thanks for info.


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