Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Grifters Gotta Grift; The Donald Ed.

One of the main beneficiaries of Donald Trump's tax plan would be, you guessed it, Donald Trump. It would lower the tax rate on a lot of his income from 40% to 15%.

Trump said that under his tax plan, rich people would pay their fair share.

Just not him. Or everyone else who is like him.

Because grifters gotta grift.


  1. If we can get two-thirds of Congress and two-thirds of the states to pass it, we should submit a new Constitutional Amendment:

    I. Rich people will not write tax laws.
    II. All tax codes will be approved by part-time working mothers earning under $20,000 a year.

    That should be fair, yes?

  2. Define "fair share"....?

    Why should a rich guy pay more than a poor guy?

    A poor man seldom creates jobs or pays the same amount of taxes....


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