Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Rubio Claims Trump Has a Small Penis

That's the unspoken thrust of this crack:
Marco Rubio escalated his slate of recent attacks on Donald Trump's looks Sunday, telling supporters at an event Sunday night that Trump can't be trusted because he has "small hands."

He was responding to Trump's habit of calling him "Little Marco." And while Rubio freely admitted he's the shorter one of the two, he said he was baffled by the size of Trump's hands.

"He's like 6'2" which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2". Have you seen his hands?" Rubio said during a rally in Roanoke, Virgina. "You know what they say about men with small hands? You can't trust them. You can't trust them."
No, Marco, you little shit, that's not what "they say about men with small hands." The old saying is "small hands, small feet, small penis".

That's your best argument against Trump: A dick-measuring contest?

Marco, you're a stupid little shit. Get someone to upload some new insult programming into your hard drive.


  1. Bah. That old wive's tale is worthless: I've got really big hands and feet!

  2. Marco is like a lottery scratch ticket. He may look good on the outside but scratch the surface and he is just another loser.

  3. just hope the Rub's funders keep setting money on fire supporting him.... pass the popcorn...


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