Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Best Gun Salesman of All Time!

That title goes to President Obama. The share prices of gun makers that sell to the civilian market are up to near-record highs. NICS record checks are at all-time highs.

Smith & Wesson and the other gun makers should be sending thank-you cards to the President.*
* I'd suggest some nice bottles of Scotch, but the Secret Service would probably intercept and drink them.

1 comment:

  1. And he's done it all while seizing not a single gun, just by having such strong Muslim Nigerian Negro Mojo. Heck, the day he was elected when he hadn't done a single thing at all including not even having been given a tour of the White House yet, gun sales soared to the point where all the gun stores in the Southwest were out of both guns and ammunition!


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