Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Little; Gun Control Edition

You can read what they want to do here.

The biggest thing is that the ATF is going to stomp down on gun trusts, a move that was widely expected.

The rest is bullshit and proposals to spend money next fiscal year on various things.

None of what this Administration wants to do would have, as far as I know, prevented a single school shooting. It wouldn't have stopped the Assholes of San Bernardino.

They propose to work on enforcing existing gun laws, no word if Chicago will crack down on its gangbanger voter base.

And as far as "destigmatizing mental illness" goes, seems to me that this crap will work in the other direction.

1 comment:

  1. This is what he can do. Congress is where one need to have the action come from, but they're so scared nothing will happen (again, and again, and again...). The reaction I've seen so far is what I was expecting - 'brave' men, pissing their pants and fearfully pronouncing the 'overreach' by President Obama. Congress needs to get that 'Well Regulated Militia' thing codified and vetted by the Supremes, so that the whole 2nd Amendment is followed. But, as you and I know, it ain't gonna happen.


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