Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Toljaso, I Did-- Christian Taliban Ed.

We saw this one coming.
After defending Kentucky clerk Kim Davis' refusal to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Wednesday would not say whether a Muslim flight attendant should be able to deny alcohol to passengers on a flight.
That was about as foreseeable as this morning's sunrise.

On another note, this report is just despicable. One of the founding points of this nation was that "corruption of blood" was outlawed. And that's exactly what this report is trying to do- tar The Donald with what his father did before his birth.

If there was a party given to honor the authors of that piece, it should be a blanket party.


  1. One of these days, a talking head is going to have the cojones to reply to a noncommittal answer with "OK, I'll take that as a yes." Or as a no, whichever works best.

  2. Yeah, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be judged by the behavior of my 21 year old father: He lived in a dry county in Oklahoma and for fun was a boxer; sometimes even in the ring... Different time, different place.

    -Doug in Oakland


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