Thursday, September 10, 2015

GOP Outdoes McCarthy

McCarthy would have had his "targets" testify. Modern-day Confederates Republicans, not so much.
Conservative lawmakers who demanded Planned Parenthood executives answer for “alleged atrocities” are holding the first in a series of congressional hearings on Wednesday on the video controversy that has rallied anti-abortion Republicans, and could become the flashpoint in a battle over government shutdown .

Noticeably absent from the hearing, however, is Planned Parenthood itself.

The House judiciary committee will hear from “experts on the issues surrounding the alleged acts of Planned Parenthood”, including two women described as “abortion survivors”, but declined to invite representatives from the women’s healthcare organization.
Which makes this nothing more than a legislative lynch mob.


  1. Yeah, like Jim Sensenbrenner gives two hairs on a rat's furry ass about feeding hungry children:

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. None of those birds give a crap about what happens to the child after its born.


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