Wednesday, April 15, 2015

TSA = Thousands of Sexual Assaults

An agency of pervs:
DENVER (CBS4) – A CBS4 investigation has learned that two Transportation Security Administration screeners at Denver International Airport have been fired after they were discovered manipulating passenger screening systems to allow a male TSA employee to fondle the genital areas of attractive male passengers.
They're saying that it happened only a dozen times, but I bet that's bullshit. I'll also bet that variations on that have been happening at other airports.

This was supposed to be humor, not a how-to video:

1 comment:

  1. I like the option to choose a female officer to do the pat down, myself. Just because, on the whole, there seem to be much fewer women who get their jollies from fondling men than men that do. And I really don't care what she looks like, I'll just be pissed I got selected.

    A note on airport searches. In 1993, at London Heathrow, I found out what real security was. I tripped a metal detector because of a small tie tack that set off nothing in the USA over 15 years of flying with it. The result wasn't try again, it was a quick, thoroughly comprehensive patdown that was very obviously professional and complete. No try again, no take this off for me, just a complete check by a guy doing his job.


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