Friday, September 19, 2014

Shorter San Diego Schools: "OK, So Maybe We Don't Really Need a Tank."

The San Diego school district will return its armored military vehicle to the Department of Defense, school officials announced Thursday night.
I gather that they found a serious downside to having a heavily armed vehicle to deliver medical supplies and teddy bears.

Meanwhile, the LA School District is going to keep their MRAP and M-16s, but they are going to give back their grenade launchers. As much as it probably kills them to do so. LA is a huge place, as far as geography goes. The freeways are often jammed. It's 50% larger in area than New York City, maybe 40% or so the size of Rhode island, and they're going to be able to ensure that they have their one armored vehicle where they happen to need it?

For a civilian police department, let along a school district's police department, having a MRAP is the police equivalent of an edifice complex.

Hey, LAUSD! Nice MRAP. 
Sorry about your small penises, though.


  1. I was wondering if maybe those grenade launchers can also launch teargas canisters? That would at least make some kind of sense.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Grenade launchers can be modified for tear gas, but a purpose built unit is a better choice. As for the MRAP, by keeping it, the traffic will justify acquiring an aircraft to carry it (chopper, via sling?), and a big enough chopper to do that would allow the SWAT team to fulfill their fantasies of rappelling from a chopper, just like those soldiers they have wet dreams about. Heck, they might even push for a C-130 and add parachute training to the SWAT team...

    Just imagine all the cops involved (and feeling macho) if the LAPD has to shutdown a freeway so the LAPD Hercules can make a low pass to deliver the MRAP via chute assisted, low altitude, drop.


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