Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Off to School-- `70s vs. Teens (Plus Bonus Tab Clearing)

Other than the point that my bus stop for the last two years of high school was 3/4th of a mile away, this seems kind of spot-on.

For the last month, I've seen adults in the Wal-Mart clutching lists of school supplies. One woman had so much stuff in her cart that I asked her if she was outfitting her classroom. She said no, that she was buying the stuff for her two grandsons and that she hadn't gotten everything on the list.

What I remember: Some new clothes from Sears (or K-Mart or any of the other now non-existent low-rent department stores). A 3-ring binder with dividers and fresh paper. A ruler that had those holes so you could clip it into the binder. For geometry class, a protractor and a compass (the kind that held a pencil stub). A few pencils and a couple of Bic pens. And for the younger set, a box of crayons (eight crayons if your parents were cheap, 16 if they were feeling generous, 64 if they were rich).

And that, Gentle Reader, was it.

At the match last weekend, nine shooters participated in the rimfire portion. Seven were shooting some flavor of Ruger Mk.I/II/III. Two had Browning Buckmarks. All had optics mounted.


No doubt that these two poor lost souls were only breaking into the house and pistol-whipping a kid because they wanted to borrow their Bible and have a glass of milk.

Sources in Moscow have admitted that a number of men captured inside Ukraine were indeed serving Russian soldiers, but said they crossed the border by mistake.
Aw, they probably got confused between the town of Donetsk and the city by the same name. They're only about 220km apart.


The Vast Wasteland Awards were handed out last night. If you give a shit. (The "Schmemmy" awards were handed out the day before.)

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