Friday, July 18, 2014

In Alaska, Bullets are Cheap

So here's the deal: A family of black bears took up residence in town. Lots of local interest, people snapping pictures of the bear family. Other than rooting through the trash and swiping a few picnic baskets, the bears bothered nobody.

But that didn't seem to sit well with the Fish Cops, who went out and shot the mother.

(An option not readily available to the cops in South Carolina, fortunately.)

One has to wonder of the AK Fish Cops have heard of the Internet and how shit like this can easily go viral and then they're having to deal with a gusher of outrage and butthurt from around the globe.


  1. I am wondering (I am holed up with several mysteries at the moment) whether the cubs will grow up to wreak revenge on wildlife officials.

  2. My name is Inigo Bruin de Negro. You killed my mother. Prepare to die."

  3. We had a Bear come by on the evening of the 3rd of July. He reminded us that it was time to go to the dump again and not just lock the trash up. Then 2 nights later he left a large calling card in the middle of our road. Our dogs were suitably impressed and he seemed to be impressed by them as well. Works for me. Sure we have guns but Why make all that damn noise in the middle of the night?

  4. This reminds me of when they renovated the zoo in Eureka, Ca. The guy in charge, named Stockman, had the bears shot rather than paying to relocate them while the work was being done. I know his name because of the bumper stickers that showed up afterward that read:
    Stockman 3, Bears 0.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. There is, alas, no shortage of black bears here in the West. They are moving into populated areas because of bear overpopulation in their home ranges. That, and the silly habit humans have of leaving bear treats and small yap yap dogs (but I repeat myself) out in their yards, which are instant snack time for bears. People in bear country need to buy bear-proof garbage cans and use them, and keep the yap yap dogs inside where they're not tempting to Mama Bear. Because yap yap dogs have no sense. They're the size of bear snacks yet think they're full-sized mastiffs. So they charge the bears to attack them, and the bear says "yum, bear snack!" and grabs'em up and stuffs'em in that big maw. End of yap yap dog. But the bear hangs around in case more bear snacks become available, and eventually becomes such a nuisance that she has to be put down.


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