Friday, June 20, 2014

This is Where the "Mad Men" Get Beaten into a Coma by their Client..

Funny, but the ad agency that came up with this one had to already be suffering from severe dain bramage.


  1. They'd have been better off updating the one with the two guys in limousines. Maybe a rapper in a Bentley and a rich lady in a Porsche Blasphemy? Oops, I meant Panamera.

  2. Having spent over 40 years working in ad agencies I can tell you that when an ad sucks (like this one) it's because some idiot with power wants it that way.

    But bad as it is it beats what Time Warner is doing, with daft people yanking modems out of the wall to hang on a bride so she'll have "something old," and some arrogant coach with ear phones over his shoulder walking in unannounced and all but surprising them on the john with great news about Time Warner Cable packages.

    It's a throwback to the worst of the worst of the 1950s.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  3. I've read too many William Gibson novels to think that this was a mistake. The word "banned" is the tip-off -- who would have banned it?


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