Thursday, May 15, 2014

GOP in MO Shamelessly Loves Them the Rich

On the one hand, over the governor's veto, the Republicans in the Lege enacted an income tax cut for the rich. Because of the political donations persuasive speech of pretty much one old rich fuck.

On the other hand, a lot of the very same Republicans want the voters to approve a sales tax increase in order to pay for transportation infrastructure projects. Which likely means "roads", since the GOP has an abiding hatred of public transit systems.

Because keeping income taxes the same on the rich and using the money for the common good is evil. But increasing taxes on the poor, the working poor and the shrinking middle class and using that money for the common good is righteous.

if there is a better example than this one recently which highlights the civic small-mindedness and selfishness of the rich, then I don't know of it.

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