Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So, Who Was That Asshole; Educational Edition

By now, you've probably heard of the Colorado girl who shaved her head in solidarity with her friend who went bald from chemo. The school where the girl who shaved her head took a dim view of that and suspended her for violating the school dress code.

No surprise that blew across the Intertubes like a shit-storm. One thing that social media, blogs and what not are good for is bringing shame and opprobrium down on the head of asshole bureaucrats.

And that's what happened to the numbnuts who were running Caprock Academy in Grand Junction, CO. The asshats administrators who run the school met and voted 3-1 to modify the dress code to permit supportive head-shaving.

Which leaves this question unanswered: Which one of those assholes voted to not change the policy?

And when someone becomes a school administrator, do they take that person into the hospital and scoop out much of their frontal lobes with a melon-baller?


  1. Hey, what was their problem? At least the little girl did not bite a Pop Tart into a lethal weapon lookalike! That would have really, really posed a threat to safety and security!

  2. Amusingly enough, minutes of the meeting are NOT available (actually, most of 2014 minutes aren't posted yet) yet. The "Board" is supposed to be 9 members, but is currently reported to be at 7, 4 parents and 3 community at large. The Colorado Sunshine Law should make them post the vote eventually, but I suspect they will delay it as long as possible as soon as they realize the level of crap the one will get.

  3. I've never had direct experience with school boards, but I did attend Recreation and Parks meetings when I helped run a club. There was one guy, we nicknamed him "Dr. No", who always voted against everything, no matter how routine, safe, or innocent. We never knew why. He just liked being contrary.


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