Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reason 56 Pasta-Gazillion Why I'll Never Be a Judge

Five Michael Jackson fans have been awarded one euro each by a French court for the "emotional damage" they suffered after the pop star's death.

The case saw 34 fans sue Jackson's doctor, who was jailed in 2011 for the involuntary manslaughter of the singer.

The court in Orleans ruled five fans had proven emotional suffering.
On the other hand, I'd have had the plaintiffs sent off for a psych hold and had the bailiffs take their lawyers out back and flogged.

Why is why I'd not make a good judge.


  1. To say you'll never be a judge may be accurate but I'd say that given your proposed actions in this case I think you would be a GOOD judge.

  2. I think the 1 euro damages show how seriously the court judged their "emotional damage".


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