Saturday, February 15, 2014

But Does It Come With Its Own Reloading Plant?

Colt M1877 Bulldog Gatling gun, in .45-70.

J&G Sales has one for the budget price of $47,995.

Yep, imagine stoking that thing with black-powder cartridges and then cranking it up. At 800 rounds/min, the brass'll pile up pretty fast.

At $1.50 to $2/round or better, cranking that gun'll get pretty pricey pretty fast. Unless you happen to be Tom Perkins, in which case, you might want to buy a bunch of those guns and mount them strategically around your houses.


  1. Go up against killer prairie dogs, that thing could save your life.

  2. 45-70? I doubt that little tripod would do much to keep it upright unless it was mounted pretty solid.

  3. If firing the original powder load, .45-70 was a fairly mild cartridge. Had a ton of drop though, had an effective range of a few hundred yards max. Not really a problem with a Gatling gun, which is an area denial weapon more reliant on volume of lead than on accuracy. But yeah, I wouldn't suggest trying to shoot rounds with a full load of modern smokeless powder out of the thing!


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