Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day Morons

We can start with the idiots who went to Times Square:
The annual New York celebration, which this year featured performances from artists such as Miley Cyrus, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and Blondie, has become part endurance sport because post-9/11 security measures force spectators into pens at least 12 hours in advance, with no food, warmth or bathrooms.
Crimus people, stay the fuck home or go to a private party. Being locked into an open-air prison for half-a-day, with no facilities? Idiots.

On one of the morning shows today was some kind of famous cook wearing orange crocks. The only people who can get away with wearing orange crocks in public are those who are also wearing an orange jumpsuit, leg-irons, handcuffs secured by a chain around their waist, and ar being escorted by a deputy sheriff to a court appearance.

Taylor Swift is putting up a $2-million seawall around her home at Watch Hill, RI. She didn't get any permits. The state said she didn't need one from them and her contractor didn't get one from the town. Most building departments in the northeast are staffed by zealous and officious people who get their noses severely out of joint if everything isn't just so, so it's kind of hard to imagine that Swift can build that big a seawall with no permits from anyone. A columnist from the New London Day has been running three days of columns about this and its kind of blown up. Because beaches in Rhode Island (and many other states) are not private land, so Swift can't block people from using it. Even if her rent-a-goons think otherwise.


  1. We put sheep in pens.

    Those people went willingly into them.


    Happy New Year!


  2. Was the chef in orange crocs Mario Batali? Did you know that back in 2012, he settled a lawsuit with his former employees for stealing their tips? He and his partner agreed to pay $5.25 million, so it makes me wonder how much he actually stole.


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