Monday, January 6, 2014

Don't Let the Storm Door Hit You On Your Way Out, Liz

New York (CNN) -- Liz Cheney, whose upstart bid to unseat Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi sparked a round of warfare in the Republican Party and even within her own family, is dropping out of the Senate primary, she said in a prepared statement Monday morning.

"Serious health issues have recently arisen in our family, and under the circumstances, I have decided to discontinue my campaign," she said.
I'm guessing that the "serious health issues" have more to do with the health of her election campaign.
A partisan poll commissioned in November showed that Cheney garnered the support of just 17 percent of likely primary voters, compared to 69 percent for Enzi, the incumbent.
She ended her campaign with the usual dollop of self-serving bullshit, but that's kind of to be expected from anyone who is pulling a Palin. Don't be too surprised if she's already called the movers to come pack her shit up to head back to her home in Virginia.


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