Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Executive Summary of Investigation of F-35 Program: "Bow Wow! Woof! Woof"

Lockheed-Martin, the Navy* and the Air Force have been apparently using the F-35 program to conduct a master-level class in how not to run a large weapon system procurement program.**

Poor management, cost overruns, severe quality control issues-- hell, one might conclude they dug up the program managers for the Aardvark and gave them the keys to the F-35 office.

Note the comment in the article that the F-35 may break the Pentagon's budget.

Forty years ago, there was a procurement study that projected that, given the cost growth in aircraft procurement programs since the Second World War, by 2060, the DoD would not be able to afford a new fighter program.

It now seems that the study's authors were grossly optimistic. We may be already there, thanks to the F-35. And LockMart.
* In this case, "Navy" includes the Marines, who share much much of the responsibility for the dogginess of the F-35.
** As if the Air Force needed the practice.

1 comment:

  1. LockMart...

    ...the people who made computerized filing of flight plans the only reasonable option!

    ...the people who call a Air Traffic Sector in Texas that just happens to have an airport named Gainesville Municipal for an aircraft that requests a clearance from "Gainesville Regional Airport, Florida" and refers to the airport as "Gainesville"!

    ...the people who can't even answer the phone half the time we try to call them!


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