Friday, March 15, 2013

Shorter CPAC: Hooray for Slavery!

At a session on how the GOP can better reach out to minorities, a jackoff who claimed to be a descendant of Jefferson Davis rose to defend slavery:
The session's moderator, K Carl Smith, described himself as a "Frederick Douglass Republican", an audience member interjected. "When Douglass came through slavery … he [wrote] a letter to his former slave master and said: 'I forgive you for all the things you did to me'," Smith said.

From the floor, Scott Terry asked: "For giving him shelter and food for all those years?"
And it got worse. The attendees tried to shout down a black woman who tried to speak.

Great way to talk about minority outreach, guys. You really helped your cause.

UPDATE: It got worse. Much worse.

1 comment:

  1. "Black people should be allowed to vote... in Africa."

    Wow. Now, I wouldn't be too surprised if a black man at CPAC gets lynched for being 'racist.'

    I guess the crackers are still resentful about having provided all the food and shelter, not to mention a sea voyage from Africa, to the slaves.

    That's a mistake Walmart didn't make. *Their* slaves are responsible for their own food, shelter and medicine. And the death of that type of slave is no loss to the corporation, since there are always more slaves lining up to to be beaten.


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